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Infographic: The Business of Baseball
Posted: October 20, 2014
Read the full story from Erie Insurance: "Infographic: The Business of Baseball"...
Lax Privacy Settings on Facebook Can Lead to Identity Theft
Posted: October 13, 2014
Privacy settings on Facebook® are notorious for changing all the time. Oftentimes, you don’t even know that what was once private is now public. And that can have serious consequences when it comes to identity theft, one of today’s fastest growing crimes. Identity theft can involve everything from stealing your credit or debit card information, filing a false tax return in your name, falsely applying...
Next Up: Radar Guns That Bust Texting Behind the Wheel
Posted: October 8, 2014
It’s no secret that drivers face many distractions behind the wheel. Perhaps no source of distracted driving gets as much attention these days as texting while driving. Policymakers have tackled the problem with legislation banning the dangerous habit. Meanwhile, one state has even created text stops on its major highways. It sounds crazy, but the next tactic may very well be a radar gun that...
9 Ways to Save on Insurance
Posted: October 2, 2014
What do losing weight, growing older and buying a burglar alarm have in common? According to U.S. News & World Report, they’re all potential ways to save on insurance. The writer cautions, however, not to go overboard. “You have insurance for a reason: You want it to pay off if you need to use it. So remember that you get what you pay for, and...
Tips for a Safe and Happy Halloween
Posted: October 2, 2014
Halloween is just around the corner! While you may be planning decorations, preparing for trick-or-treaters or organizing Halloween-themed activities, it is also important to take certain precautions to keep you and your family safe so everyone will be able to fully enjoy the evening. Check out these simple steps to a safe and fun Halloween: Costumes can be scary and designed to frighten, but be...